System.Net.Dns Flush Cache Issues

I was attempting to use the System.Net.Dns class query a host and check for an expected value. I quickly realized that DNS caching was causing issues. This lead me down an interesting path. The original code I was writing looked something like this:

public bool IsDnsConfigured(string host, string desiredHost)
   var aliasRecord = Dns.GetHostEntry(host);
   return aliasRecord.HostName == desiredHost;  

After executing this code, the result would be cached for 10-15 minutes. Subsequent calls would load the original record, even after the records TTL had expired. Clearly this was a caching issue. So then the question of how to programmatically force a DNS query became the issue.

I began my journey by looking at additional DNS querying techniques for C#. Surprisingly, not much is in the framework. Figuring that perhaps there is some setting I can configuring for System.Net that would make fresh connections I figured up the trusty .NET Reflector and took a peak.

Internally, you can see that the Dns class doesn't do much special besides PInvoke the winsock API to resolve the address.

internal static IPHostEntry InternalGetHostByName(string hostName, bool includeIPv6)
    if (Logging.On)
        Logging.Enter(Logging.Sockets, "DNS", "GetHostByName", hostName);
    IPHostEntry retObject = null;
    if ((hostName.Length > 0xff) || ((hostName.Length == 0xff) && (hostName[0xfe] != '.')))
        object[] args = new object[] { "hostName", 0xff.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo) };
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("hostName", SR.GetString("net_toolong", args));
    if (Socket.LegacySupportsIPv6 || (includeIPv6 && ComNetOS.IsPostWin2K))
        retObject = GetAddrInfo(hostName);
        IntPtr nativePointer = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.OSSOCK.gethostbyname(hostName);
        if (nativePointer == IntPtr.Zero)
            IPAddress address;
            SocketException exception = new SocketException();
            if (!IPAddress.TryParse(hostName, out address))
                throw exception;
            retObject = GetUnresolveAnswer(address);
            if (Logging.On)
                Logging.Exit(Logging.Sockets, "DNS", "GetHostByName", retObject);
            return retObject;
        retObject = NativeToHostEntry(nativePointer);
    if (Logging.On)
        Logging.Exit(Logging.Sockets, "DNS", "GetHostByName", retObject);
    return retObject;

[DllImport("ws2_32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError=true)]
internal static extern IntPtr gethostbyname([In] string host);

The reference for the winsock API didn't reveal any ways to achieve my goal, so I started looking elsewhere. Instead of making direct calls, I now started searching for ways to invalidate the DNS cache. Doing some digging allowed me to find a few methods for flushing the DNS from PInvoke calls to dnsapi.dll.

Unfortunately, no API documentation exists beyond the methods:


However, some brave souls were able to provide info on StackExchange after disassembling the DLL. I was ultimately able to get my code to work with the following helper utilities:

public class DnsUtils
    [DllImport("dnsapi.dll", EntryPoint="DnsFlushResolverCache")]
    static extern UInt32 DnsFlushResolverCache();
    [DllImport("dnsapi.dll", EntryPoint = "DnsFlushResolverCacheEntry_A")]
    public static extern int DnsFlushResolverCacheEntry(string hostName);

    public static void FlushCache()

    public static void FlushCache(string hostName)

The first method will flush the entire cache. This is ok, but not ideal. The seond method will invalidate cache for a single record. The end result is this code:

public bool IsDnsConfigured(string host, string desiredHost)
   var aliasRecord = Dns.GetHostEntry(host);
   return aliasRecord.HostName == desiredHost;  

If you happen to know other techniques or have more information on the dnsapi.dll please let me know!